Do you plan on going on an outdoor camping trip? Then you should have some essential tools and equipment you will need in the wild. A camping toaster is one tool that can be pretty handy, especially if you love having bread as part of your breakfast. The best camp toaster is what we will be exploring here, so continue reading for more insight on this.
Regarding camping trips, electric toasters may not be a good thing to go for. This is because it requires a lot of energy to generate heat through electricity. The best thing to do for toasting your bread is to use an open fire, a portable gas stove, and the like.
Here, we have our 5 top picks for the best camp toaster you can get. We will also give you some buying guides when choosing the best products and many more, so let’s delve in.
Do You Know What A Camp Toaster Is? Let’s Find Out
Most are familiar with home toasters, but what about a camp toaster? Are there any differences between a regular home toaster and a camp toaster? The fact is that both a regular toaster and a camping toaster are used for making a piece of toast. However, how these two tools are used to prepare toast can be pretty different.
Differences between a regular toaster and a camp toaster
Here are the significant differences:
- A home toaster is usually for indoor purposes, while a camp toaster is suitable for outdoor use.
- A regular home toaster uses an electrical outlet, while a camp toaster doesn’t need an electrical outlet. Camp toasters usually work with a campfire, grill, camp stove, burning coal, etc.
- Usually, a regular home toaster will give a ‘beep’ sound from the machine when it’s done toasting. But a camp toaster does not necessarily provide a beep. In fact, you will have to monitor your bread as it toasts while using the camp toaster.
- Home toasters require just clicking a button to operate. While camp toasters can require manual steps to use.
Best Camp Toaster Buying Guide
Although every camping toaster is unique in its own way, there are still some specific features we should know. So, below we have listed the best features you should look at when considering the best camp toaster for your camping trip.

Type Of Materials To Look Out For
The widely accepted or the most common materials camp toaster are made up of are usually stainless steel and alloy of metals. These are mostly the types of camping toasters we have reviewed here. That said, a camping toaster made of stainless steel heats up fast, and they don’t rust or corrode easily. Hence, they tend to be durable or have a prolonged life.
Consider The Weight Of The Toaster
You probably don’t want to carry an unnecessary load during your camping trip. Therefore, a lightweight camp toaster is ideal, and this is what you should look out for.
As a matter of fact, apart from being lightweight, you can also consider a flexible toaster that is easy to fold. The camp toaster should be easy to assemble and reassemble. This way, it can fit into your backpack, allowing you to carry it around easily.
Effectiveness Of The Camp Toaster
Of course, we will be purchasing a camp toaster so we can enjoy a piece of toast– or a bagel, I suppose. Therefore, this item must be capable of toasting bread evenly and effectively. We don’t want to obtain a camp toaster that will burn a portion or even leave another part of the bread uncooked.
Is The Camp Toaster Easy To Clean?
One crucial factor is whether the toaster is easy to clean. You will do various things on your camping trips, such as setting up camping gear, cooking, and other activities. So, after your camping trip, you can rest easy knowing that your cooking item is easy to wash.
The Capacity Of The Camp Toaster
Another feature to consider when selecting the best camp toaster is to look at the capacity of the toaster. How many bread slices of toast can you get in a single round of toasting? Some camp toasters can toast 2 bread slices at once, while others can toast 4 or even up to 8 bread slices at the same time.
Also, some camp toasters heat up faster than the others, which makes toasting quicker. So, you can also consider the timing it takes to produce a single round of toast.
Side Note: These buying guide options we’ve listed are great to start with. But if you wish to explore more options, there are other features to look out for, depending on what is convenient for your camping needs.
5 Best Camping Toasters Reviews: Get The Perfect Golden Toast
There is a wide range of camp toasters in the market. So, we have compiled an updated ‘5 Best Camp Toasters’ for you to easily select the best for your slice of bread. Now, read on to discover the best choice for you.

Coghlans 4-Slice Steel Camp Stove Toaster
Coghlan’s toaster is an excellent toaster that can toast up to 4 bread slices at a time. This toasting machine can be used over a gas camping stove and can be purchased at a reasonable price. You won’t need an electrical outlet when using this camp toaster.
This toaster is great for your camping trips or even hiking. The Coghlan can get pretty hot, and we recommend you preheat the toaster to enjoy the best results. But make sure you wear a glove or avoid using your bare hands to handle it.
We also appreciate that this toaster is lightweight, making it easy to carry, and it is a pretty versatile item that won’t take much space. Coghlan’s toaster is made of alloy steel, and you can consider this toaster one of the better options for camping.
The downside to using this toaster is that you may notice corrosion. However, you can minimize corrosion by adequately drying the toaster. So, you can clean it with a dry paper towel rather than wetting or washing it. This toaster may, however, get discolored with time.
- It is a light-weighing toaster making it easy to carry.
- Fairly affordable.
- Gets super hot, which aids easy bread toasting.
- The toaster may corrode or get discolored.

This Camp-A-Toaster is another excellent outdoor toaster you might pick. You can enjoy this tool because it is easy to use for your camping breakfast.
Interestingly, Camp-A-Toaster can simultaneously toast eight slices of bread, a unique feature for camping toasters. They are stainless steel toasters at a reasonable price.
We love that this toaster can be used at home– meaning we can enjoy its indoor and outdoor functions. You can toast your bread slices with this tool, which works well on a grill, camp stove, and campfire.
Additionally, Camp-A-Toaster can work well by toasting other things like muffins, sandwiches, and more!
The downside is that Camp-A-Toaster tends to rust quickly, especially when you clean it with water. So, don’t clean it with water to reduce this rust effect. You can tap any crumbs off it and put them in a crumb tray whenever you use it. And use a dry paper towel for further cleaning.
This camp toaster will do an excellent job on any of your next camping trips.
- Toasts efficiently.
- Capable of simultaneously making 8 slices of tasty toast bread.
- Also works with electrical outlets.
- The toaster can rust when wet.

GSI Outdoors Glacier Stainless Steel Toast
GSI outdoors is another great camp toaster you can add to your list. This toaster is built with an innovative design, and it’s made of stainless steel.
There are many things to like about this camp toaster, such as its compact design that allows you to save space for more fittings. The unique design also allows for easy folding. Therefore, this toaster is easy to pack and carry on your camping adventures. You can enjoy a cup of coffee with your toast bread in the wild.
Another big plus is that this toaster is resistant to scratches and abrasions. And with the presence of its fine steel mesh allows for an even distribution of heat. Hence, you can get that easy and quick toast slice that prevents or minimizes burnt or partly-done toast. Furthermore, this toaster can produce excellent results on any type of gas grill.
However, this camp toaster may not be ideal for indoor use due to the confined space.
- Easy folding and saves space.
- Resistant to scratches and abrasions.
- Easy to move around.
- It may not be so great for indoor use.

Coleman Camp Stove Toaster Reviews
Coleman camp stove toaster is another high-quality camp toaster. So, you can enjoy your delicious morning bread with this fantastic toaster. You also get more control using this camp toaster than traditional toasters.
This incredible item can give you the best results when toasting bread slices. Coleman’s design is one of the best camp toasters you could choose, and the toaster is made of steel with a chrome-plated accessory.
Another positive point is that this toaster can fit easily on any Coleman camp stove. Once you’re ready to toast, set up the wire holders and put in the bread slices. You can toast up to 4 pieces at once. It’s easy to fit this toaster onto any camp stove, gas stove, heating plate, or grill.
Additionally, we like the fact that the camp toaster can fold easily. Hence, the toaster allows for easy storage. So, this item is best used for outdoor activities such as camping trips, hiking trips, and the like. But the toaster can also be used in your home.
The drawback is that your bread may get burnt if you don’t keep an eye on the burner while toasting. Therefore, ensure you monitor the toaster and flip around the bread from time to time to get an even toast.
- Easy to fold, which allows for easy storage.
- Can toast up to 4 bread slices.
- Easy to carry or transport toaster.
- Bread slices can get burnt if not monitored while in use.

Chinook Plateau Folding Toaster
When selecting the best camp toaster options, you may consider adding Chinook Plateau Folding Toaster to your list. This toaster is easy to fold and unfold, so it won’t take up much space. The toaster parts are durable stainless steel, which is great for toasting bread.
This excellent camp toaster works well on any camp stove. So, it’s easy for you to do outdoor cooking with your campfire toaster.
However, you must keep an eye on your toasting bread while using this toaster.
- Easy to fold.
- Works well on any camp stove.
- Made from stainless steel.
- The bread slice might burn if you don’t monitor it while using the toaster.
Best Camp Toaster: Final Word
Even in the wild, you shouldn’t be denied the pleasure of enjoying that classic toast at your campsite. You can enjoy this with the help of an outdoor toaster. With the numerous camping toasters on the market, you must decide which is most ideal for you. This is why we’ve compiled this best camp toaster list, and we hope it can be helpful to you.